air condition hints

This blog is to help home owners with simple and useful tips on how to prolong the life of your heating and air conditioner plus ways to save money while using your system.

Location: United States

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Spring is Coming!

It's getting time to have your A/C system checked out. If you have not had your system checked lately, you probably are wasting electricity, it might be harming the compressor and possibly will have a water leak that could damage your ceiling or carpet/floors.

Find a good service oriented company. Ask neighbors and family who they use. Make sure who ever you use that the technician cleans the outdoor coil,blowout the drain line and add algae tablets to your drain pan. Capacitors should be checked and also the Freon level. Make sure you have a good filter to keep your indoor coil clean. You should change your filters every 30 to 60 dayss,but check your filter every month.

I will explain later how certain items on your A/C can harm or cause higher electric bills if they are not checked.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

What Brand is the Best?

Which brand is the best brand? All the big names are good units. The most important part is how the system is installed. If a unit is not installed properly you will have problems.

Now what can you do is this, when you want to replace or have to replace your system ask your service company about their value line units. These are units that are made by big name brand companies. The units sometimes do not have all the bells and whistles,but they use alot of the same major parts. The systems that I install are owned by Lennox. I am a Armstrong dealer, this unit uses the same major parts as Lennox,but the big difference is they use a different cabinet design. I bet you can save hundreds of dollars if you ask about this line of equipment from the service company.

Remember this the most important part is that the unit is installed properly. I have seen brand name units that lasted less than a year due to improper installation.