air condition hints

This blog is to help home owners with simple and useful tips on how to prolong the life of your heating and air conditioner plus ways to save money while using your system.

Location: United States

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Second Opinion Calls

If you have ever been uneasy or suspicious of a service tech's diagnosis, I would suggest you get a second opinion. A lot of company's will come out and give you a second opinion at a reduced charge or may not charge at you anything.

Just explain your situation and see what happens. I personally have done this and sometimes I was able to save the customer a unnecessary repair,other times the previous company were correct with diagnosis.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Equipment Life Expectancy

Today systems probably will not last as long as the unit from years ago. Todays units need to be maintained in order to get a long life from them. Manufactures are using cheaper parts that do not last as long.

Two of the most failures that I see are capacitors and contactors. Both are minor and easy repairs, but if not checked often they can lead to major repairs. Todays units are expected to last 10 years, if you live near the coast 7 years is about the average due to the salt. Have your units checked often.

The indoor equipment generally last beyond 12 years, many last 20 years. Brand names mean nothing if installed improperly. If units are not properly installed you will have problems and the system will not last. Choose a good company and ask questions.

Recommended ebook

Monday, December 13, 2004


A good THERMOSTAT can save you money on your electric bill or gas bill. I suggest to my customers at least go with a digital non-programmable THERMOSTAT.
Digital thermostats are so much more accurate that the old mercury or magnetic style. If you have a set schedule that your house is vacant for a good part of the day a programmable THERMOSTAT can save you even more money, it saved me $40 dollars a month in the summer that I replaced mine.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Heat your water while air conditioning

Here is an article that I thought would be of some interest.
458 - Air-condition your house while heating your water for free

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

The silent killer carbon monoxide. It is crucial that you have a good carbon monoxide detector if you use any type of fuel or gas to heat your home.

Even if you have a new system, carbon monoxide is created when there is not enough oxygen for the fuel or gas to burn properly. The carbon monoxide can get into your house by a crack in a heat exchanger. Improper venting of its fumes or by improper ducting.

I prefer a digital carbon monoxide detector that shows a reading. I have seen the other types that use a sensor be faulty and start beeping when nothing is wrong. The digital one are more expensive, but I think more reliable. Whichever you can afford get it now.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Customer Protection

I went on a maintenance call today. I was performing a Heating Maintenance and this was my second visit to this customer. He had his Heat pump system replaced 3 years ago by another company.

He had been dissatisfied with the unit operation and installation. I had to fix some problems with the indoor section, it should have been done by the original company, but they refused saying it had been 3 years since they installed it.

If you are dissatisfied with a company's service or installation Do not wait to complain, call and speak to a manager or the owner. Do not be afraid to ask questions. If you see something that concerns you. A good technician and a good company will explain what is going on and why.

This customer was fortunate that the problem did not cost much,but his 3 year old system will probably have to be replaced prematurely do the way it was installed. Protect yourself by asking questions.

If you would like more information like this I recommend this ebook

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Heat pump owners

I had a customer call today, he saw ice on the outdoor unit. He thought something was wrong. After explaining to him about the normal operation of a heat pump and how it is normal to see frost on a heat pump, we decided to hold off on a service call. He called back a few minutes later and said the frost was gone. So if you see some frost on your heat pump don't panic, wait and see if the frost disappears. Now ,if you see hard ice around the unit then call your service company. You probably need to have it checked.

If you would like to learn more about your heat pump operation check out this ebook

Friday, December 03, 2004

Five things you should never do

Here are 5 important suggestions to help keep your system running properly.

  1. Do not turn the thermostat up and down. Once you set it leave it, if you keep messing with your thermostat you can damage your system.
  2. Never run your system without a filter. If you run the system without the filter it will allow your unit to get dirty and can restict air flow.
  3. If your air conditioner is freezing up and your filter is clean, do not keep running the unit. If you do you can damage the compressor. Call a reputable air condition company.
  4. If you have a gas furnace especially a older furnace you should have a Carbon Monoxide detector help protect you and your family.

The last suggestion I have is to find a good reputable service company and get your system checked on a regular basis. This will help keep your system efficient and prolong its life.

I recommend this ebook for more information like this

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Clean outdoor coils!!!

I went on a call a while back and its outdoor coil was so dirty from dirt, that its pressure was over 400 psi. You might say, so what. Well, the pressure should have been 250 psi. The higher pressure causes the unit to use more electricity,which cost the customer more money. The unit also was not cooling very well.

After cleaning the coils the pressures were normal. The customer then signed up on the maintenance program.

When I came back in the fall, they told me the unit cooled much better and there electric bill dropped back to normal.

Clean coils=Saving Money and Prolong the systems life.

If you would like more information like this I recommend this ebook

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Routine maintenance equal energy savings

It is important to have your system checked and cleaned at least once to twice a year. This will save energy and prolong the life of the system.